Sunday, December 6, 2009

Things I'm starting to miss

Going to the movie theater

Mac and Cheese

CHEESE! (I now go to the grocery store pretending to contemplate which cheese to buy so I can sample them all, then I hastily leave with an excuse. Cheese is expensive here.)

Taco Bell

Post paid cell phones

Driving a car

Not getting stolen from. My phone was most likely stolen a few weeks ago. I have a new security device which is a string attached to my new phone so that I can secure it to my body. Also, a few days ago, my matatu got stuck in traffic so I had to walk into town in the rain. It was crowded and someone managed to unzip my backpack. Luckily, nothing was stolen, but I resorted to walking with my backpack on my front, like a tourist, and it was traumatizing.

There is a huge amount of cutting. In the grand United States, there is a rule called “First come, first served.” And it means, wait your turn in line or else you’re a jerk. Here, the rule is: “Everyman for himself.” Example: I am directly in front of the window of a small shop, buying airtime, holding out my money. A man walks up, squeezes his hand between myself and the window and orders something. AND THE WORKER ASSISTS HIM! I worked in retail and always kept an eye on who deserved to be served next. And if there was a discrepancy, I would not allow the selfish person the luxury of being served out of turn. Even at the hospital, a man walked past everyone in a queue, and I, being the next in line, took up as much space as possible to ward him off. When it came to be my turn, I ran to the counter, but he nudged his way in and was served. I, of course, protested, and was actually turned down.


  1. The Costa Rican comparison:

    Things you can look forward to when you visit Costa Rica. I'm not saying CR's better, just that it's different.

    The movie theater here is close and cheap. There is another movie theater a little further away where they offer VIP seating, meaning big Laz-E-Boy chairs and personal waiters, all for the price of a normal movie in the US. We will be seeing a movie in the theater when you come visit.

    Mac and cheese is not that common, but my host mom will occasionally make it. She mixes in ham and/or mushrooms. It is delicious. Although you should eat authentic Costa Rican food, I'll see if I can't get her to cook some when you come.

    Cheese is not as common here. It's expensive, too. What they do have is called Tico Cheese and it's... interesting. You'll have to try some.

    Taco bell is here and at large. Gross. Gross gross gross.

    I don't have a cell phone, but everyone else does. They're all prepaid, though.

    You will not want to drive a car here. Unless you have a fantastic life insurance plan, that is.

    People be stealzin here. Multiple times, the outside pocket of my bag has been opened. I never keep anything valuable in there (most often, smelly old clothes from traveling) and walk with my backpack in front when in crowds.

    People respect line placement, for the most part. One time, while crossing the Panama/CR border, a man tried to cut in line (I think he had a good reason) and the ENTIRE line started yelling at him and calling him really really mean names. He kept trying to sneak in and the line kept on sneaking him back out.

  2. Kelsey! I love reading your entries! I have come to find that blogging is great and it's like reading anyone's diary(except the juicy parts of course, Hee! Hee!). It's a great way to keep everyone posted at the same time without writing several letters.

    It sounds like you are learning a lot about life at an early age.

    I can't wait to continue to read your updates.

    Miss you.
